A leader in helping organizations of all sizes build a sustainable competitive advantage using technology; they have emerged as a global provider of enterprise digitalization solutions and services, improving the lives of over two billion people worldwide.

Solutions & Services: Nearshoring

Country: US

Industry: Technology

Company Size: +1000 employees
The software company needs to create various types of reports and group electronic spreadsheets, blogs, SharePoints, or third-party APIs from other areas via its website.
- Total workforce: 4
- Technologies: Azure, Python, Java, NodeJS, Swagger
- Roles: Team Assistant, Azure Data Engineer, Software Engineer
Overcoming the stringent bureaucratic access permissions for each service in the Azure cloud presented significant hurdles in this project. By leveraging the capabilities of App Service, SQL Server, Azure Function, and API Management, a web environment was successfully developed that provided the necessary data to authenticated users.
Initially, the project needed more clarity regarding code change procedures, task management, and task assignments. However, with the integration of the Venon team, these processes were efficiently established in a short period of time.
Initially, the project lacked clarity regarding the procedures for code changes, task management, and task assignments. However, with the introduction of the Venon team, these processes were established quickly.
Several new features were developed, including the capability to select official languages, implement contact forms, and maintain the internal system. Additionally, the interface was modified to incorporate new data associated with each report. Service credentials were also established instead of user credentials, enabling data persistence and preventing expiration, even if the user is no longer affiliated with the company.
Moreover, a CI/CD pipeline was created using DevOps alongside the management of a private repository in the Azure cloud.
Venon’s contributions resulted in several benefits, including a comprehensive understanding of the infrastructure, efficient management of CI/CD processes through Azure DevOps, quality control of the code, and data automation through an onboarding form.
Venon provides nearshoring services for fully dedicated IT professionals from Latin America, delivering process-driven + user-centered software to help companies quickly scale their teams while maintaining the highest standards of customer satisfaction.